Your Guide to HOAs: HOA Shed Rules and Regulations in Ar, Ks, Mo, and Ok

Red and white barn in field at sunset showcasing how to follow HOA shed rules and regulations

Planning to paint your new shed electric pink? Thinking about adding a 20-foot fence around your home or perhaps a two-story waterslide for your pool? While these ideas might seem fun, your neighbors (and your local Homeowners Association or HOA) might not be as excited. 

What is a Homeowners Association or HOA? 

HOAs exist to make and enforce rules and guidelines for subdivisions, communities, and towns so that everyone who lives in these communities has a say on what their area looks and feels like. These guidelines can cover many aspects of your property, including the size of your shed, the color of your fence, and even the landscaping in your yard. HOAs are also responsible for resolving disputes, arranging community events, maintaining shared amenities, and more! HOAs are regulated by local, state, and federal laws and often have their own internal governing documents as well!

White metal shed with black trim on elevated foundation with wooden ramp

Ozark Premier Buildings and Homeowner Associations

While Ozark Premier Buildings can’t handle your Homeowner Association directly, we can help you with the process! Ozark Premier Buildings has worked with HOAs in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, and beyond! While HOA rules and regulations can differ widely by state, county, town, and even neighborhood, we have experience across a diverse range of communities and can help you ensure your structure will be approved by your HOA before it gets to you! 

Communication is key when it comes to HOA approval! You’ll likely need project details from us, such as design plans or material specifications, to submit to your HOA. We’ll provide the necessary information promptly. If you have any questions about what your HOA may require, feel free to reach out – we’re here to help!

Why Should I Comply With My HOAs Guidelines? 

Metal white and black shed with double doors and two windows

It can be frustrating to find all the rules and regulations for your local Homeowners Association, submit your project for approval, and wait to hear back, but complying with your HOA is important! At its basic level, an HOA is a mutual agreement between neighbors to uphold certain standards. Everyone wants to be a good neighbor; how you interact with your community and display your property is part of good neighborliness. 

Beyond being a good neighbor, disregard for HOA regulations can result in a fine or other legal consequences.

Overall, compliance with HOA guidelines ensures a smooth installation for your new Ozark Premier Buildings structure and will increase your satisfaction with your purchase in the long run. By taking the time now to check the rules, you’ll avoid setbacks and enjoy a seamless experience from start to finish!

Common HOA Rules and Regulations

Blue and white metal shed with gray metal roof, double doors, and three windows

While many neighborhoods and communities, especially rural communities, don’t have HOAs you should always check to see if your area does have HOA requirements and what those rules and regulations may be. 

The applicable parts of HOA Rules and Requirements for your Ozark Premier Building Shed, Cabin, Garage, or Pavilion will be the rules on size, aesthetics (color or shape, most likely), placement in your yard, and the individual HOA approval process. 

These rules will vary by state, county, city, town, and neighborhood, so be sure to find the regulations most applicable to your local area. However, in general, you can expect your HOA regulations to be similar to these:

  • Size: Most HOAs limit the maximum size of sheds and other accessory structures. For example, for suburban HOAs, a common shed size limit is 150 sq ft. HOAs may also limit the height of side walls and roof height. 
  • Aesthetic: HOA aesthetic guidelines are harder to generalize. However, each HOA likely has its own guidelines for property appearance. These regulations will affect the color, size, shape, and landscaping around your new Ozark Premier Building. The goal of these guidelines is to maintain or increase property value in your area. With Ozark Premier Building’s 3D Builder Tool, you can easily design a shed that matches your HOA-approved look and size!
  • Placement or Setback Guidelines: Setback requirements are also determined by your state, county, or local Zoning and Building Office. In general, requirements vary by city and type of property.
    • For example, in Bella Vista, Arkansas, accessory structures should have a setback of 20 ft from the front, 15ft from the sides parallel to the street, 7.5 ft from the property lines, and 15 ft from the rear. Your individual HOA may have stricter requirements than the city, so always be sure to check in with them! 
  • Approval Process: There is no one set approval process. Each project should be approved by your individual HOA. The best way to ensure your project is approved is to understand your HOA rules and regulations, get a list of pre-approved colors and projects, show the approval committee why your project will be a good fit for your home and neighborhood, and always ask for approval—not forgiveness!

HOA Guidelines by City in Arkansas

View some of the general HOA guidelines or neighborhood association policies by city in Arkansas. 

Springdale, ARNeighborhood Services
Fayetteville, ARCity of Fayetteville
Bella Vista, AROwners Association Policy

HOA Guidelines by City in Oklahoma

Explore general HOA guidelines and neighborhood association policies by city in Oklahoma.

Tulsa, OKTulsa Neighborhood Association
Pryor, OKLakeland or Woodcreek
Broken Arrow, OKHomeowners Associations

HOA Guidelines by City in Missouri 

Check out a sample of HOA Guidelines and neighborhood association policies by city in Missouri. 

Branson, MONeighborhoods in Branson
Springfield, MONeighborhood Registry
Joplin, MONeighborhood Services

HOA Guidelines by City in Kansas

See a sample of HOA guidelines and neighborhood association policies by city in Kansas! 

Pittsburg, KSNeighborhood Council
Fort Scott, KSFort Scott HOA Information

How To Get Your Shed Approved By Your Local HOA

Getting your shed approved by your local HOA doesn’t have to be an intimidating or stressful process! As long as you know how your HOA works and are confident in the quality of your shed (which you definitely will be if you’re investing in an Ozark Premier Building’s structure), getting approval can be easy! 

  1. Read the rules! Start by getting a copy of your HOA’s guidelines and policies. Understanding these rules will help you understand what size, appearance, and location is allowed for your new shed or structure! 
  2. Do your research! Reach out to your neighbors who have gone through similar approval processes. Their experience can help you prepare for your specific HOA’s process and expectations. 
  3. Find out who is in charge of approvals. Knowing who the person or committee is who will review your application will help you ensure your request reaches the right people quickly. 
  4. Prepare your request. Gather all the necessary information and documents, including detailed plans, renderings, information about your shed builders, and required permits. 
  5. Follow up! Following up after submitting your request ensures that your submission isn’t lost in the paperwork and shows your commitment to your project and to your HOA. 
  6. Get approved! (Or follow up again). Once your application is reviewed, you will either be approved or you will receive suggestions for modifications. If approved, you can move forward with the building or delivery process! If you’re not approved, you can adjust your proposal or your shed’s design and eventually follow up again. 

What is the Difference Between HOA Regulations and Building Regulations?

Beige and Blue metal sheds side by side in grassy field

The main difference between HOA regulations and building regulations is that HOA regulations are tied to your property’s land or neighborhood, while building regulations are universally applied to building projects in an area. 

HOA rules are applicable to members who pay dues. Your property may or may not be part of an HOA. In most instances, you agree to join an HOA when you purchase a home or property. HOA regulations are enforced by the association and often include penalties like fines if violated. 

On the other hand, building regulations apply to everyone in a certain town, county, or state. These regulations are enforced by the government and are put in place to ensure public safety. 

Your shed or accessory structure should follow both the building and HOA regulations to ensure complete safety and compliance. Following one set of regulations does not guarantee your compliance with the other, so be sure to check and follow both.

HOA Approved Sheds, Garages, Cabins, and More! 

See all our Sheds, Garages, Cabins, and more, and remember to apply to get them HOA-approved before building or placing them on your property! 

Your Ozark Premier Building, HOA-Approved

Ready to transform your property with a building that not only meets but exceeds HOA standards? Embrace peace of mind knowing your new Ozark structure is designed for seamless approval and built with quality you can trust. Contact us today to get started on creating the perfect addition to your home—hassle-free and HOA-approved!